Our Summer Garden

The Verve HQ summer garden has proven to be just as bountiful as our beautiful winter garden. With T's green thumb, the help of our multi-talented gardener, Francisco, and this unseasonably toasty Napa heat, we're in harvest mode already. The bees are buzzing, thriving, and doing their bee thing well. The sweet, juicy Santa Rosa plums and Blenheim apricots (candied sunshine in a jar) have been preserved and dehydrated. The Mariposas, Green Gage plums, and Pluots will be ready any day now. Tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers are all coming in fast and furious!

The figs are as early as we can remember, the raspberries are late, and the pomegranates and persimmons are stating to swell. Roses of all varieties are still in full force, and the first wave of gorgeous multi-colored dahlias have popped up. Here's a sneak peek into the everyday magic we're lucky enough to have in our office backyard!

Happy Summer!